Number Extensions
Extensions to numeric data types such as: int, double, decimal, byte...
Determines whether the given number is even.
bool IsEven(this int source);
Example:bool result = 2.IsEven(); // true bool result = 1.IsEven(); // false
Determines whether the given number is odd.
bool IsOdd(this int source);
Example:bool result = 2.IsOdd(); // false bool result = 1.IsOdd(); // true
Determines whether the current number is greater than the target one.
bool IsGreaterThan(this int source, int target);
Example:bool result = 2.IsGreaterThan(3); // false bool result = 3.IsGreaterThan(1); // true
Determines whether the current number is less than the target one.
bool IsLessThan(this int source, int target);
Example:bool result = 2.IsLessThan(1); // false bool result = 3.IsLessThan(4); // true
Determines whether the current number is equal to the target one.
bool IsEqualTo(this int source, int target);
Example:bool result = 2.IsEqualTo(1); // false bool result = 3.IsEqualTo(3); // true
Gets the datetime in past from given number of days.
DateTime DaysAgo(this int days);
Example:DateTime result = 2.DaysAgo(); DateTime result = 3.DaysAgo();
Gets the datetime in future from given number of days.
DateTime DaysAfter(this int days);
Example:DateTime result = 2.DaysAfter(); DateTime result = 3.DaysAfter();
Gets the datetime in past from given number of weeks.
DateTime WeeksAgo(this int weeks);
Example:DateTime result = 2.WeeksAgo(); DateTime result = 3.WeeksAgo();
Gets the datetime in future from given number of weeks.
DateTime WeeksAfter(this int weeks);
Example:DateTime result = 2.WeeksAfter(); DateTime result = 3.WeeksAfter();
Gets the datetime in past from given number of months.
DateTime MonthsAgo(this int months);
Example:DateTime result = 2.MonthsAgo(); DateTime result = 3.MonthsAgo();
Gets the datetime in future from given number of months.
DateTime MonthsAfter(this int months);
Example:DateTime result = 2.MonthsAfter(); DateTime result = 3.MonthsAfter();
Gets the datetime in past from given number of years.
DateTime YearsAgo(this int years);
Example:DateTime result = 2.YearsAgo(); DateTime result = 3.YearsAgo();
Gets the datetime in future from given number of years.
DateTime YearsAfter(this int years);
Example:DateTime result = 2.YearsAfter(); DateTime result = 3.YearsAfter();
Converts the given number into days.
DateTime Days(this int num);
Example:DateTime result = 2.Days(); DateTime result = 3.Days();
Determines whether the given year is a leap year.
bool IsLeapYear(this int year);
Example:bool result = 2020.IsLeapYear(); // true bool result = 2021.IsLeapYear(); // false
Gets the previous leap year based on the given year.
int PreviousLeapYear(this int year);
Example:DateTime result = 2021.PreviousLeapYear(); DateTime result = 2020.PreviousLeapYear();
Gets the next leap year based on the given year.
int NextLeapYear(this int year);
Example:DateTime result = 2019.NextLeapYear(); // 2020 DateTime result = 2021.NextLeapYear(); // 2024
Converts byte array to base64 string.
string FromByeArrayToBase64(this byte[] source, Base64FormattingOptions options = Base64FormattingOptions.None);
Example:byte[] byteArray = "FluentExtensions".GetBytes(); // GetBytes() also exits in this library. string result = byteArray.FromByeArrayToBase64();
Separates every 3 number by comma.
string SeparateThousandsByComma(this int source);
Example:string result = 23459.SeparateThousandsByComma(); // "23,459" string result = 1589324.SeparateThousandsByComma(); // "1,589,324"
Separates every 3 number by comma.
string SeparateThousandsByComma(this int source, CultureInfo culture);
Example:CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); string result = 1589324.SeparateThousandsByComma(culture); // "1,589,324"
Generating Random Numbers.
string RandomDigits(this int length);
Example:string result = 4.RandomDigits(); string result = 6.RandomDigits();
Generating Random Strings.
string GenerateRandomString(this int length, bool isUpperCase = false, bool containNumbers = false);
Example:string result = 4.GenerateRandomString(); string result = 6.GenerateRandomString(isUpperCase: true, containNumbers: true);
Converts given number to kilobytes.
double ToKB(this int number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.KB);
Example:double result = 4.ToKB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToKB(DigitalStorage.GB);
Converts given number to megabytes.
double ToMB(this int number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.MB);
Example:double result = 4.ToMB(DigitalStorage.KB); double result = 6.ToMB(DigitalStorage.GB);
Converts given number to gigabytes.
double ToGB(this int number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.GB);
Example:double result = 4.ToGB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToGB(DigitalStorage.TB);
Converts given number to terabytes.
double ToTB(this int number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.TB);
Example:double result = 4.ToTB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToTB(DigitalStorage.GB);
Converts given number to kilobytes.
double ToKB(this long number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.KB);
Example:double result = 4.ToKB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToKB(DigitalStorage.GB);
Converts given number to megabytes.
double ToMB(this long number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.MB);
Example:double result = 4.ToMB(DigitalStorage.KB); double result = 6.ToMB(DigitalStorage.GB);
Converts given number to gigabytes.
double ToGB(this long number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.GB);
Example:double result = 4.ToGB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToGB(DigitalStorage.TB);
Converts given number to terabytes.
double ToTB(this long number, DigitalStorage from = DigitalStorage.TB);
Example:double result = 4.ToTB(DigitalStorage.MB); double result = 6.ToTB(DigitalStorage.GB);